Monday, February 16, 2009

Japanese Home Supplies

Venturing a bit deeper into the pool today... Moving my clothes in the apartment's main closet consumed the remaining empty hangers yesterday, so a shopping trip was in order to expand the supply. The store we traveled to was essentially a Japanese version of Bed, Bath & Beyond, complemented with a second story furniture annex. There were also a lot of similarities with Ikea, being high in style and low in cost. The store was impressive in its scale and selection; If there's one area where the Japanese have the US beat hands down, it's cool, affordable interior decorating.

In the afternoon, A and I took a walk to a nearby shrine where we were treated to the resident monk ringing the massive bell while we were browsing around the grounds. I've never heard one of those bells in-person, and the resonant effect of being so close was unexpectedly moving.


  1. Cool picture! Makes me want to upgrade from my little point and shoot.

  2. Thanks! Upgrading doesn't cost a whole lot of money, you just have to be ok with the bump in camera size. I'm always happy to help shop for that kind of thing.
